Friday, April 26, 2013

Minecraft, How to PvP (Player versus Player) 
Updated Since 1.5.1.
DiseasedNoob's Guide on PvP

Minecraft PvP; Armor and Gear:
Since you guys came here to learn to PvP in Minecraft, one of the most important parts in the game is gear. Gear is important in Minecraft because it protects you from various hits and damages. Gear can be a big advantage in Minecraft. For example, if you only have regular diamond armor, with no enchants, you probably won't stand a chance against a person using Protection IV and Sharpness V, Fire Aspect II sword. Unless there is handicaps in a fight, gear will help you through multiple situations. In my opinion, the best set of gear you can get in the game legitimately is;
  • Diamond Helmet - Protection IV, Unbreaking III, Thorns III, Respiration III (Aqua Affinity is optional).
  • Diamond Chest Plate - Protection IV, Unbreaking III, Thorns III
  • Diamond Leggings - Protection IV, Unbreaking III, Thorns III
  • Diamond Boots - Protection IV, Unbreaking III, Feather Falling IV
  • Diamond Sword - Sharpness V, Unbreaking III, Fire Aspect II, (Knockback I is optional for combo-ing, which you will learn about later, DO NOT USE KNOCKBACK II, It limits your hits)
  • Bow - Power V, Flame I, Infinity I (Punch is optional)

Minecraft PvP; Potions:
Potions are an ESSENTIAL to PvP. Potions will help you go through many struggles in PvP. I will teach you guys how to use potions well. Some potions that you will probably need to get are Fire Resistance Potions, Strength Potions, Health Potions, and Regeneration Potions. These potions are usually needed to survive a long fight, it depends on when you use them, and how you use them. You can decide if you want Extended Potions (Longer Duration) or if you want Higher Level Potions (More efficient). The potions you use depends on your situation. If you are having a Protection IV fight, you would probably want Extended Regeneration Potions (2:00), quick fights would be better with Level II Regeneration Potions. Use extended potions in the beginning of a fight, and level II potions in the middle of the fight, unless they are Strength and Swiftness II potions.

Minecraft PvP; Load out:
Your load out depends on how you want out. The load out is what you use for combat, and you can use your load out however you want. Customizing your load out gives you an advantage. If you know your opponent's load out, it will be easier to predict how they will fight, and you will know when they run out of something, which puts them into a disadvantage. My load out contains a variety of (this is the one that I used to use in an open space);

On the Hot Bar (Key 1-0) THIS IS NOT IN ORDER.

  • 1 Diamond Sword (Enchants above)
  • 1 Extended Regeneration Potion (2:00)
  • 4 Instant Health Potions II (Splash)
  • 1 Swiftness II Potion
  • 1 Strength II Potion
  • 1 Fire Resistance Potion (8:00)
  • 16 Ender Pearls

In my Inventory (E) THIS IS NOT IN ORDER.
  • 1 Bow (Enchants above & optional)
  • 1 Arrow (Optional)
  • 64 Porkchops / Steak
  • 2 Extended Poison Potions (1:20)
  • 2 Extended Slowness Potions (3:00)
  • 2 Extended Regeneration Potion (2:00)
  • 2 Strength II Potions
  • Another Set of Diamond Gear (Enchants Above)
  • 2 Speed II Potions
  • 6 Instant Health Potions II (Splash)

Minecraft PvP; Hitting, Armor Breaking, and Combo-ing
In Minecraft PvP, we all know that hitting is the most important thing, since it kills the opponent. Though, there is somethings that you need to know about hitting. Whenever you hit, you damage a some of the armor's durability the opponent is wearing. It is hard to win someone who knows that they're doing if their armor equals up to yours, and they have potions. When you break a piece of your opponent's gear, they take a lot more damage. Armor can be broken easily by something known as "Combo-ing". Combo-ing can be done in multiple ways, and to combo someone is to hit them continuously, so constant and repetitively that they panic, and do not have any time to retaliate. Some ways that you can combo are;

  1. Circling - Circle them very quickly while sprinting and drinking a Swiftness II potion, it will be hard for them to hit you, while you get multiple hits, and they barely get any.
  2. Cornering - Cornering can be done by getting your opponent in a position where they can barely move, and they only can move in one way. The Knockback I enchantment can help you do this, because you knock them back further than normal, and when they are cornered, you put a lot of pressure on them, since the knockback keeps them back from moving ahead, and their armor is broken very quickly. Cornering is deadly, and when done right, you can easily kill your opponent.
  3. Gutting - Gutting can be done by literally going in the same block as your opponent, then looking up and hitting them. This is very dangerous because when you gut your opponent up, you can continue to hit them until they fall, and when they fall, just do the same thing again. This racks up quite some damage, and their gear will be broken quickly, without time for the enemy to potion up or retaliate quickly.  
A Video of Gutting Below:

Minecraft PvP; Settings
In Minecraft, video settings are a key priority for PvPing. If you have your video settings to maximum for "Render Distance" and "Graphics", you'd probably have a hard time even moving, unless your computer is really good. For PvP purposes, I suggest you turn the settings to the LOWEST you can, because this can really affect your performance in PvP. Though, your FOV (Field of View), and Mouse Sensitivity, can be set to whatever you want, or whatever you prefer the most. Optifine is a mod that can help reduce lag and PvP performance.

Minecraft PvP; Mods
In Minecraft PvP, there are many mods that can help you in PvP. Some of these mods are;

In order to these mods to work, you need the Bspkrs Core, which is on the same post as the Status HUD, Armor HUD, and Direction HUD. You also need ModLoader, which can be found here: These mods can be used in various ways, and you can use them to your advantage by seeing how your armor is doing without looking in your inventory, and seeing how long your potion effect / debuffs last.

That's it for DiseasedNoob's Guide 1 on PvP, visit next time
when Guide 2 is up!

Credits Go To:
  • Mojang
  • Youtube